Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Past Perfect Continuous Tense

Past Perfect Continuous Tense

S + had been+ V1 + ing +  Since / For obj

Homework (Write & Speak):-

15 complex sentences (3 simple, 3 negative, 3 interrogative, 3 interrogative with wh family, 3 negative interrogative with wh family)

We had been trying hard to sort out this issue for 2 hours.




I had not been learning French for 1 month.




Had he been performing since half past 5?




Why had she been behaving like an animal for 15 minutes?




Why had he not been prescribing our company medicines for 1 month?




Past Perfect Tense

Past Perfect Tense

S + had + V3 +  obj

Homework (Write & Speak):-

9 complex sentences (3 simple, 3 negative & 3 interrogative)

I went to the office last Sunday and I had completed all pending works.




Had the train left before he reached platform?




I gave this idea to him but he hadn't given me any credit.




Monday, January 4, 2016

Past Continuous Tense

Past Continuous Tense

S + was/were + v1 + ing +  obj

We usually use this tense about actions that were in progress at a specific time in the past. We also use it in conjunction with the past simple when talking about interruptions (I was doing my homework when the phone rang).

What you usually do late at night, and lead in to the past continuous:
I always go to bed at 11pm. So, last night at 11:30 I was sleeping.

Write your typical schedule on the board with your usual everyday activities:

7:30 am – breakfast
9 to 12 – classes
12 – lunch
1pm to 5pm – classes
6pm – gym
8pm – dinner
11pm – bedtime

Now, give write examples of what you were doing exactly at a certain time yesterday:
At noon, I was having lunch.
At 1pm, I was giving a class.

Jot down your daily schedules, or what you did yesterday, and then take turns first saying what you were doing at certain time:
I was having breakfast at 7am.

Then, switch schedules with other family member or friend and say what he or she was doing:
Juan was having breakfast at 10 am.

Then, make comparisons:
I was studying. He was playing video games.

Or find similarities:
We were all sleeping at midnight.

Homework (Write & Speak):-
1) 9 complex sentences (3 simple, 3 negative & 3 interrogative)

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Past Simple Tense

Past Simple Tense:
Sub+V2 + Obj

Simple sentences
        He gave me a car.
        He went to cinema.
        He wrote a letter to him.
        They made a table.
        I answered correctly.
Negative sentences
        They did not give me a car.
        He did not go to cinema.
        She did not write a letter to him.
        I did not make a table.
        You did not answer correctly.
Interrogative sentences
       Did he give me a gift?
       Did they go to cinema?
       Did she write a letter to him?
       Did I make a table?
       Did you answer correctly?

What you did you do yesterday? (Interview question) 

I got up in the morning at 6:00 AM yesterday. Thereafter, I cleaned my face and did brush. I did exercise about 15-20 mins. I had a shower. I got dressed. I had breakfast at 7:00 AM. I left home at 7:30 AM. I went to office at 7:45. I reached at about 8:30. I had a tea in office. I checked unread mails and replied them. Then I did routine work. I had lunch at 1:00 pm. I resumed work at 1:30. I had evening tea at 4:00 PM and resumed work at 4:15 PM. I finished work at 6:00 PM and reached home at 8:00 PM. Then, I freshened up and had my dinner at 8:30. Then I read some books and watched TV half an hour. Then I went to bed at 10:00.

Homework (Write & Speak):-
1) 9 complex sentences (3 simple, 3 negative & 3 interrogative)
2) How did you celebrate last Christmas?
3) What did you do last weekend?

Monday, December 28, 2015

Exercise:- Present Tense

Exercise time:-

Make & speak sentences on Present Tense
Time Limit: - 1 Minute (record your voice on mobile phone)

Verbs:  Recognize, Forgive, Grow, Freeze, Drive and Blow


She speaks English.
Does she speak English?
She doesn’t speak English.

She is speaking English.
Is she speaking English?
She is not speaking English.

She has spoken English.
Has she spoken English?
She has not spoken English.

She has been speaking English for 1 hour.
Has she been speaking English for 1 hour?
She has not been speaking English for 1 hour.

Don’t write…speak 12 sentences in one minute.

Write 10 sentences on your daily routine activities like:-

I usually have my lunch at 1 o’clock but I have lot of work today so I’m still working.

I normally leave office at 6:00 pm but today my work has finished so I am going home. 

Present Perfect Continuous Tense

Present Perfect Continuous Tense:- which is started in past but not finished yet and still running.

S+ has/have been + V1+ing+Obj +Since/for

For: - duration of time viz. 4 years, 2 hours, 5 decades

Since (Exact Time):- Watch, calendar, morning, noon, afternoon, evening, night, mid-night, yesterday, childhood, birth, when, then, that

Homework (Write & Speak):-
9 complex sentences (3 simple, 3 negative & 3 interrogative)

1) She has better understanding of this project as she has been working on this project for last 3 months.
2) I have been travelling since morning so I am feeling tired.
3) Please turn off the power; it has been charging for 2 hours.

4) Has he been celebrating his birthday for 5 hours?
5) Have you been riding bike since afternoon?
6) Has she been performing live for 2 hours?

7) I have not been doing exercise for 2 hours.
8) He has not been playing football since afternoon.

9) The thief has been stealing money for 15 minutes.

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Present Perfect Tense

Present Perfect Tense:- Which is finished.

S+ has/have + V3+Obj

Homework (Write & Speak):-
 9 complex sentences (3 simple, 3 negative & 3 interrogative)

1) She has mailed me a letter that she has some concerns with this product.

2) I have gone to the market when she arrives.

3) She has already finished the work as she is going to home.

4) Has the inauguration ceremony completed, as no one is there?

5) The quiz is over. Have you won any prize?

6) The man who is running. Has he snatched your all money?

7) I know him and I have not beaten him.

8) He has not dropped the catch.

9) The thief is very clever as he has not left any clue.